Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management?
While many people use cannabidiol oil to relieve pain, more scientific research is needed to be certain it can be safely used....
Cannabis: The Anti-Inflammatory Key to an Epidemic
When you look at some of the health claims around cannabis, it can seem a little bit ridiculous. The laundry list of symptoms and...
What Exactly Is CBD Oil & How Can It Fight Anxiety?
You're seeing it in supplements, beauty products, and even chocolate bars, but what the heck is CBD oil, and what is all the fuss about?...
What Is CBD? Here's What to Know About Cannabidiol
What is CBD, or cannabidiol, that everyone's buzzing about? If you don't already, you're about to see this stuff everywhere. We're on the...
Can CBD oil help anxiety?
Cannabidiol is a compound derived from cannabis plants. It may help people with anxiety reduce their symptoms with few or no side...
How Does CBD Oil Improve Mood?
Grappling with anxiety, depression and other mood disorders can be incredibly difficult, and some people who struggle with these issues...
CBD effects on Concentration and Focusing
If you have ever faced challenges in concentrating either as a child or as an adult, while studying or any other activity, you probably...
4 Ways CBD Oil Can Help Improve Your Life
Today, there is no shortage of medical solutions available to treat the issues that we as people commonly face, from anxiety to pain....
An Ingredient in Marijuana May Help Soothe Mental Disorders
Weed use has long been associated with the ability to sometimes induce psychotic episodes. In people at risk for such mental disorders,...
Science Proves That Mental Health May Be Improved With CBD
In a new study, researchers seem to have discovered some “fascinating insights” on its budding role in mental health treatment. While THC...