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A cancer survivor native, [name concealed due to privacy], from British Columbia has a story that most people cannot imagine. In May 2007, the patient had a heart attack and afterward a double bypass surgery. As a result of the surgery, she experienced chronic pain from a maligned sternum and post-sternotomy neuralgia syndrome. The patient constantly took pain killers to try to ease the pain, but nothing seemed to work.

Fast forward four years, the cancer patient was diagnosed with anal canal cancer and was coping with two spots of skin cancer on her collar bone. After two surgeries, the doctors told her that they were not able to get all the cancer and that she would have to go through radiation. She researched the procedure and discovered that there was potentially for permanent damage and she would suffer second- and third-degree burns. There was also a good possibility that the affected areas would fuse shut from the burns and subsequent scaring.

Hesitant about the radiation treatments, she asked for some time to think about it. Her doctor then told her that she had 2-4 months to live, at most 6, and that she should highly consider the radiation treatment.

But instead, she decided to start exploring the use of cannabis oil for cancer treatment.


Cannabis oil is a thick, sticky substance composed of cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, which is obtained from cannabis flowers using a solvent extraction procedure. It is the most concentrated form of cannabis products, which makes cannabis oil the most powerful. The oil can be vaporized into the lungs, ingested orally, applied topically or used as a suppository. It can also be mixed with creams or salves for beauty treatments, and other external uses.

The cannabis plant originated from Central Asia, and is one of the oldest, mental stimulating drugs known to mankind. The beginnings of its use are difficult to trace, since the plant was cultivated and consumed long before the appearance of writing. According to archeological discoveries, the cannabis plant has been known in China at least since around 4000 BC.

Some of the diseases and conditions that cannabis oil has been used for include: Crohn’s disease, diabetes, gout, pain relief, glaucoma, migraines, Dravet syndrome, asthma, Doose syndrome, epilepsy, anorexia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, opioid dependence, strokes, head trauma, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, HIV dementia and — what we will be focusing on — cancer.


Every person’s body has cells. Certain cells multiply and divide to create new tissue, while others (such as nerve or muscle cells) do neither function. The body also contains specific genes called oncogenes that control a cell’s ability to grow and divide. On the other hand, there are genes called tumour suppression genes that signal to cells to stop growing.

When cancer occurs, the oncogenes are ‘turned on’ when they should not be or the tumour suppression genes are ‘turned off’ when they are not supposed to be. This occurrence results in the excess growth of cells in the form of tumours.

Cancer cells go through numerous stages as they divide and multiply to become a tumour. During the hypeplasia stage, normal cells divide at a heightened rate therefore increasing the total number of cells. During stage two, dysplasia, the new cancer cells look contorted. The cancer cells begin to form a growing ball of cells, known as the primary tumour. This tumour starts to push and suppress the surrounding cells. In the fourth stage, called invasion, the tumour grows bigger and starts to delve into and invade the cells around it. In the final process, called metastasis, the cancerous cells spread into a blood vessel or lymph node and within the blood or lymph fluid to other parts of the body where it can start the dividing stage again.

There exact cause of cancer is not known, but research shows that various factors likely play a role. These factors include: tobacco smoking, ionizing radiation, certain viruses and chemicals, and prolonged exposure to sunlight.


Simply put, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it induces an increase in ceramide synthesis that leads to cell death. A normal cell does not produce ceramide when it is near THC; therefore it is not affected by the cannabinoid.

The reason the cancer cell dies is not because of the cytotoxic chemicals, but because there of a small shift in the mitochondria. The purpose of the mitochondria within a cell is to produce energy for the cell to use. As the ceramide is produced, it turns up the sphingolipid rheostat. This production increases the mitochondrial membrane permeability to cytochrome c, which is vital protein in energy synthesis. The cytochrome c is then pushed out of the mitochondria, which ultimately kills the source of energy for that particular cell.

The presence of ceramide leaves no possibility of cancer cell survival. This is because it causes genotoxic stress in the cancer cell that generates a protein call p53, which disrupts the calcium metabolism in the mitochondria. Ceramide also disrupts the cell’s digestive system that produces nutrients for all cell function, and actively inhibits pro-survival pathways.

The key to the cancer killing process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means that by taking any amount of CBD and THC, at a steady rate over a period of time, the patient will keep metabolic pressure on these cancer cell death pathways.


Cannabis has been the subject of numerous scientific and medical research studies over the past twenty years. Scientists around the world have been studying and learning about cannabis plant. The results are as follows:

  • “The combination of cannabidiol and ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol enhances the anticancer effects of radiation in an orthotopic murine glioma model” (Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2014)

  • “Cannabinoids inhibit the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway in gliomas” (The Journal of Cancer Research & American Journal of Cancer, 2004)

  • “Cannabidiolic acid, a major cannabinoid in fibre-type cannabis, is an inhibitor of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell migration” (Toxicology Letters, 2012)

  • “Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1”(The FASEB Journal, 2012)

  • “Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumour Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes” (Cancer Research, 2006)

  • “Cannabis-based medicine reduces multiple pathological processes in A?PP/PS1 mice” (Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2015)

  • “Cannabis-based medicine reduces multiple pathological processes in A?PP/PS1 mice”

  • from Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2015

  • “Inhibition of skin tumour growth and angiogenis in vivo by action of cannabinoid receptors” (Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2003)

Research surrounding cannabis oil and the cannabis industry will continue to happening and likely will not see a stop any time soon, since there is a trend emerging as you can see in the medical results above.


Cannabis oil can help you if you are a cancer patient who does not take “we have done all we can do” to heart, but instead looks for an alternate method. Or maybe you aren’t convinced that Western medicine practices are right for you. With safe, high quality cannabis oil, you are providing yourself with improvements in your well-being and your standard of living in regards to pain management. As mentioned above, there are numerous diseases and conditions that can be treated using cannabis oil. It is ultimately up to the patient to make the decision what route he or she wants to make: Western practices, alternative methods or a combination of both, like the Cancer patient did by undergoing surgery and then deciding the cannabis oil route was for her. And look at where she ended up.

Not only did she digest the cannabis oil, but she topically applied it to the two spots of skin cancer on her collar bone. She started to see notable differences on her skin within 48 hours, and in the patient’s case the spots appeared to be gone in over a week. She continued to ingest the cannabis oil and two weeks later, the pain she been experiencing for years was almost non-existent. She continued to ingest cannabis oil on a daily basis and slowly started to increase the amount she was taking.

Just over one year later from her initial diagnosis, the patient returned to her doctor to see if the effects of the cannabis oil had been working like she had hoped it would. He examined her, not once, not twice, but three times before he told her the news. He said, “It’s gone! I can’t find anything at all. If it wasn’t for the scar tissue I would never have known you had ever had cancer.” Needless to say patient was in disbelief that cannabis oil had been the one to lead her back to her normal, everyday lifestyle.

The Cancer Patient is a success story of using cannabis oil to help kill cancer cells. When using any CBD International product there is no ‘guaranteed cure’, but our treatments give you an alternative to traditional Western medicine practices.

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